Oakworth Primary School and Nursery

Together We Learn, Together We Grow

Part of Bronte Academy Trust

 Welcome to Year 4

Meerkats and Bears

Summer 2 - Romans

Summer 1 - Romans

 Summer 1MTP.pdfDownload
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Spring 2 - Ancient Egyptians 

We have worked hard to create a pasta school lunch for the kitchen. We researched different types of pasta dishes by looking at recipes and by questioning our target audience. Next, we  designed pasta dishes and chose the most appropriate dish that fit our success criteria. After that, we made the dish and offered it to our target audience to gather their feedback. Finally, we evaluated it discussing what worked well and what we could do to improve it. 

Spring 1 - Ancient Egyptians

In English, we have been studying the text 'Arthur and the Golden Rope'. We have loved joining Arthur on his adventures, making predictions, writing newspaper articles, producing descriptive writing, having debates, producing a persuasive letter and finally creating advertisements for the story. 

Bears: Group 1

Bears: Group 2

Bears: Group 3

Bears: Group 4

Bears: Group 5

Bears: Group 6

Bears: Group 7

This half term in science, Year 4 have been studying the topic 'Animals Including Humans'. We began by creating our own model of the digestive system looking at the basic parts and their functions. 

We created models of teeth focusing on the size and shape in the mouth and why this helps with their function. We also investigated how sugar can affect our teeth.  

Year 4 also had a visit from two dental nurses who gave us lots of information about our teeth but also discussed careers within dentistry.

Autumn 2 - Monsters Academy

Autumn 1 - Wonderful Water